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Welcome to the oldNES website

The programming of oldNES was started somewhere in the summer of 2000. It was a mere attempt to teach myself some basic notions of emulation. Emulators fascinated me and I wanted to know their inner workings. After much reading/programming/hacking/debugging, I finally came up with a piece of code that was actually doing something interesting.

I've decided to release my work to the public because I believe that all the hours that I've put into this little project might help others to understand how someone can manage to code an emulator. You are free to download my code and modified it at will because it is release under the terms of the GPL.

Please note that if you are looking for a good emulator to actually play games, you are not at the right place. oldNES cannot run many games and the few that works are sometime buggy or even unplayable. I can only suggest you to pay a visit to Zophar Domain, a great site with alot of really good NES emulators.

Contact me at yannos (at) gmail.com

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