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18/07/2004 : oldnes 0.71 release |
oldnes 0.71 released. Speed increases, PPU is now much better in terms of compatibility,
better handling of mapper 1,2,3 and 4, lots of bug fixed... etc
29/05/2003 : oldnes 0.7 release |
oldnes 0.7 was release. The major thing about it is a great speed increase.
29/03/2003 : oldnes 0.6b release |
Not very good with cvs yet. As a result, the wrong files were put in the 0.6a release,
witch fix a critical bug by the way.
28/03/2003 : oldnes 0.6 release |
Version 0.6 of oldNES was release today. This is an GUI update more than anything else, so no
compatibility improvements was made. oldNES is also becoming my end project for my engineering
course, so more improvements is to be expected before the beginning of May.
22/01/2003 : linux release |
So, Kdevelop is far from being usable with sdl, so i've deceided to make my own makefile instead and develop with a normal text editor. Anyway, i've put a linux version of oldnes on the download page if you want to have a look. For those who wants to compile it, there is 2 lines to edit in the makfile before you do so.
24/11/2002 : Win32 release |
You can download the latest win32 version of oldNES. I have decided not to continue its developpement
in the near future. I'm having trouble with kdevelop, so no linux snapshot yet. Might give a try to
kdevelop 3.0 alpha 2 just to see if it doesnt screw up my makefiles again.
01/11/2002 : First post |
Well, this site is finally up. I've put the source for the linux version on the
cvs. You can find instructions on how to retrieve it
here. I will release a
stable snapshot of it soon.